Mittwoch, 22. Oktober 2014

Block Seminar Week

Have you heard? This week isn’t any ordinary week for the IB Students, it’s the infamous Block Seminar Week. 

For one week early in the semester, Block Seminar occurs, and during this week all IB students only have one subject, to be able to really focus on it. All IB semesters on campus take part in this Block Seminar week. However, the  course is different depending on the semester. The first semester students (IB1) have Information Systems, where they learn everything about Microsoft Excel in detail and have to have to execute a custom project. IB2 concentrates for one week on Presentation Skills. This course is really helpful in the second semester since there are a lot of presentations coming up for the students. In the third semester (IB3), students learn about Business Research Methods ( EDIT- This has been changed to Intercultural Management as of Summer Semester 2015!)and for the first time get the feeling of what will face them when dealing with their bachelor thesis. In IB5, the course in the block seminar depends on which major they have previously chosen. 

The students always look forward to this week, since it’s more ‘relaxing’ and really brings some variety to campus compared to the regular class schedule.Overall, Block Seminar Week is a really helpful week since students will learn a lot about this one subject and are not distracted by any other tasks as there are no other classes. During the week, they usually have to make a presentation or a project about what they have learned which they will present on the last day. It's nothing to worry about, as they are really fun and not all of these projects will be graded. 

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