Samstag, 24. Mai 2014

We love projects!

You’ve probably already read about the various projects at ESB Business School that make our lectures so special. 

This semester,  IB 3 students had the amazing opportunity to gain a deep insight into the market research process and into the challenges that come with it. 
Lisa Petit, Maia Korradi, Jana Röcker (IB3)

What made this project so unique was that we worked for an external customer. In our case this customer was the Veyhl GmbH, a middle sized company located in Neuweiler-Zwerenberg in Germany. We were assigned to find out whether the market for mobile, height-adjustable workbenches could be an interesting market opportunity for Veyhl. We started off by creating hypotheses and a questionnaire – here the devil’s in the detail but when our questionnaire was all ready, the interesting part of the project started. We contacted various firms and were lucky enough that some of them invited us to take a look at their production facilities and  interview their employees. After we generated enough questionnaires, we began with the evaluation and completed our consulting. Finally, we presented our solutions and findings to Veyhl.

This project was a great experience for us, it was the first time we could directly apply something that we had learned in class and it certainly consolidated our newly acquired knowledge. 

So if you have a hands-on mentality and are looking for a study program that offers more than just theoretical knowledge, then the ESB IB program should be your choice!

Maia Korradi

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