On November 20th, IB students brought out their suits and dresses for the most glamorous night of the Winter Semester, the annual Winter Prom. Held at the Nürtingen Stadthalle, the night was full of spectacular talent, dazzling glitz, and delicious food. The theme this year was "are you REaDy?", and was shown off in many students choice of red attire.
The Winter Prom is organised by their own Orga Team, who coordinate the venue, food, drinks, and talent for the night. Additionally, the event was sponsored by Solcom, without which the night could not have been possible. These two groups' hard work certainly paid off. From a personalized rap to open the night to 3 awesome musical performances and a DJ from our own program, the night was filled with entertainment. Student's were provided a raffle ticket to win a free limo ride to the event. Prom King and Queen are voted on from each grade and then elected that night. Congratulations to Kai and Elena!
This night is a perfect example of ESB spirit, as both IB and other ESB students happily enjoyed this event, which marks one of the last of the semester before examinations.
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