Sonntag, 26. Oktober 2014

the IB Photographer

Name: Yash Bothra
Home country: Jaipur Rajasthan (Northwest of India)
Semester: 3rd
Had you ever visited Europe before?
No, Germany was my first country in Europe.
When you arrived in Germany, did you have kind of a cultural shock?
Yes, a big one. One of the biggest differences I recognized quite fast is the interaction between boys and girls. In India it is a big thing, especially for guys because you have to meet the father of the girl to ask him for any permission, so you have to go through a lot of communication channels and processes.
So what do you like and dislike about Germany?
I love the beer and drinking, it is on another level here in Germany but in a positive way.
What I really dislike it the food, especially Kaesespaetzle.
When did you start to take pictures and who inspired you?
I started when I was about 13, when I got my first camera and since then I like to do it.
Well it fascinated me when my father and grandfather took pictures of our family or when we traveled around and they seemed to have so much fun taking pictures.
Do you have a favorite object you like to take pictures of?
I prefer abstract thing in combination with people or landscapes but mostly I like night photography. But I am still exploring myself, what I am good at and what I can do.
Why did you started as the ESB Photographer?
I arrived a week later than the other students who were already joining a resort, I asked my mentee what to do, who told me; I should go to the photo resort because no one applied for it.
So I thought about the photo club in my hometown which I joined 5 years ago and where I learned how to work with pictures and cameras in a more professional way.
What was your first event?
My first event was the 'All in White' party and at this night I shot more than 700 pictures within 3 hours. Since then I went to every party, shot the pictures, processed them over night & upload them the next day before people ask for them.
But I also take pictures at business events like the IBF or last year’s FIFO and other events which are somehow related to the ESB.
Is it sometimes annoying when you can’t party because you have to take pictures?
Oh yes, it’s sometimes annoying because at the parties all of my friends are dancing and I stay somewhere taking pictures. In that case I put my camera away for 5 minutes, go dancing and then rush back to it. I like what I’m doing but I need a little bit less intensity of it, because people are expecting way too much.
What is the most difficult thing about taking pictures of so many people?
Sitting in front of the screen and going through all the 600 pictures of 1 night. Especially if you have 10 pictures of the same group and they all look similar and you have to figure out which is the best one to upload.
What is your biggest Pro and Con about taking the pictures for the ESB?
My biggest pro is that I get to meet a lot of people, and the biggest con is that I don’t get paid for it.
What advice do you have for your successors?
Be patient 

Mittwoch, 22. Oktober 2014

Block Seminar Week

Have you heard? This week isn’t any ordinary week for the IB Students, it’s the infamous Block Seminar Week. 

For one week early in the semester, Block Seminar occurs, and during this week all IB students only have one subject, to be able to really focus on it. All IB semesters on campus take part in this Block Seminar week. However, the  course is different depending on the semester. The first semester students (IB1) have Information Systems, where they learn everything about Microsoft Excel in detail and have to have to execute a custom project. IB2 concentrates for one week on Presentation Skills. This course is really helpful in the second semester since there are a lot of presentations coming up for the students. In the third semester (IB3), students learn about Business Research Methods ( EDIT- This has been changed to Intercultural Management as of Summer Semester 2015!)and for the first time get the feeling of what will face them when dealing with their bachelor thesis. In IB5, the course in the block seminar depends on which major they have previously chosen. 

The students always look forward to this week, since it’s more ‘relaxing’ and really brings some variety to campus compared to the regular class schedule.Overall, Block Seminar Week is a really helpful week since students will learn a lot about this one subject and are not distracted by any other tasks as there are no other classes. During the week, they usually have to make a presentation or a project about what they have learned which they will present on the last day. It's nothing to worry about, as they are really fun and not all of these projects will be graded.