Samstag, 17. September 2016

Why should I be part of a resort this semester? - Answers to frequent questions

Hello freshmen and welcome to the ESB !
I hope you all had a nice time on your first days on campus! It's the beginning of the semester and your head is probably full of information and questions. Course handouts, exam regulations, assignment deadlines, information about the study programme, dozens of new interesting people you would like to talk to, 100 names to memorise.  All of these things pop up into your mind, while you are a little bit dizzy from the party last night. And above all, these guys wearing nice T-shirts with the ESB logo come to you and tell you that it's a really good idea to get involved in the campus life and become part of a resort. As if you don't have enough things on your mind already! As if you have time left between three lectures, an intensive self-study of math and the next party!

Well, here's the funny thing: you actually do have the time and it is a great idea indeed. Let me tell you why.

  •  Being involved in the campus life of the university and sharing the ESB spirit around makes you more motivated and enthusiast about the student life.
  • You have the chance to develop your managerial and communication skills while working in a team and organising events. Besides, you can be as creative as you want and come up with ideas. You may also discover new passions or interests.
  • You have fun! You get in touch with many students from different semesters and it seems like all of you have the same goal: improving the campus life while having a great time together.
  • It doesn't take much of your time. Actually not at all. There are some meetings you should attend, but luckily we have this technology, so many things are actually discussed virtually. Many of my fellow students joined at least one activity. The summer semester was even shorter and we had a pretty full schedule. But being involved didn't affect our studies and no, we are not perfect in time management, neither math geniuses.
Overall, it is a great experience! Feeling that you do more for the university  makes you feel like you are part of a great community of people. Imagine your first days here at ESB without anybody to show you around the campus or share their experience with you. Boring, huh?

There is still time to apply. Check out the presentation updated on the facebook group for more information about each resort or activity. Then send us an e-mail with your motivation until Monday, September 26th at and tell us why you think you are suitable for the position. No, it doesn't have to be a one-page personal statement. Just briefly ;)
When it comes to self-development, studying is never enough! Looking forward to your applications!

- Karina -